Lindsay Davis » Expectations


Classroom Expectations
All students will be using the Dojo point system in the classroom for behavior. Your child will have the opportunity to gain Dojo points throughout the day in all areas of the school. If a behavior warrants the loss of Dojo points it will reflect on your app. This system will allow you to see what your child has earned/lost in points for each day.
Southmont Expectations










Show Respect

-Follow directions.

-Be Kind To everybody.

-Keep your hands to yourself.

-Always show good sportsmanship


-Walk quietly on the right side of the hall.

-Respect people working in their classrooms.

-Respect the privacy and rights of others.

-Talk quietly and keep your hands and feet to yourself.

-Speak clearly and politely when giving your selections.
-Chew with your mouth closed.


Always Be Responsible

-Clean up your mess.

-Work hard to complete your work.

-Take care of the equipment.

-Watch out for the safety of others.


-Keep your hands by your side.

-Watch where you are walking.

-Always clean up after yourself.

-Stay in your seat.

-Keep feet and belongings out of aisle.

-Pick up your trash and tell an adult if a spill happens.

-Learn your lunch number.



-Give your best effort.

-Encourage and support others.

-Encourage others to play and participate.


-Set an example for others by walking quietly.

-Encourage your classmates to wash their hands and clean up.

-Be kind to one another.

-Encourage others to follow the rules.

-Use good manners while eating.

-Eat before you socialize.

-Set and example by walking to the line.


Listen and Learn

-Listen to your teacher and classmates.

-Participate in all activities.

-Follow rules.


-Line up when your teacher calls for the class.

-Use your eyes to look and learn from student work.

-Listen to adults and leadership team members.

-Listen to the bathroom monitor.

-Return to class quickly.

-Listen to the driver.

-Learn and follow the rules.

-Be ready to make your selection.

-Listen to your teacher’s directions.

-Eat a well balanced meal.