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As we begin 2024, I would like to take a moment to remind our Southmont families that your child's attendance at school is of the utmost importance.
Children benefit and make the most of their educational opportunities if they attend school regularly, on time, and for the full day. When students miss a day of school it actually puts them two days behind their classmates. Missing just one day every two weeks can add up to 18 days in a year. Absences add up before you even know it!
Davidson County Schools Board policy states that students can not miss more than 16 days per school year. Missing more than 16 days could result in your child being retained.
If there are extenuating circumstances and your child has an extended illness, please contact the school for the appropriate paperwork and steps to follow.
I look forward to seeing your child at school everyday! Let's work together to make your child's educational experience a success. Thank you, Mrs. Cotter, Principal